Case Study: Yves Rocher

Your Solution Partner in Turkish

Customer Name: Yves Rocher

Customer Sector: Cosmetics

For a local project financed by Istanbul office of Yves Rocher, we were assigned to translate a project draft on forestation and biodiversity in organic agriculture from Turkish into English.


  • References to various local organizations are made in the draft and it should be determined whether the original names of such organizations are to be kept or otherwise they can be translated based on the general principles for translating the names of local organizations for this purpose.
  • Various plant species are mentioned in the draft, both in Turkish and Latin. Such species must be translated into English accurately based on its name in Latin since the plant names in Turkish give multiple results and this may cause confusion in the target language.
  • The source text also contains various references to organic agriculture, processes on how to grow medical and aromatic plants as well as forestation activities, which require further research on specific terminology.
  • The project draft was formulated as a formal proposal, which consists of various elements and formal style commonly observed in similar projects. Similar titles and sections such as objective, scope, follow-up and reporting, etc. are also used, for which a formal style must also be used in the target text.
  • A different style was used in the sections titled Exponential Impact and Sustainability, in which various arguments are presented to demonstrate how the project would create a positive and sustainable impact on organic farming. Therefore, the same approach must also be adopted for these sections in the target text to provide these arguments to the same effect and for the same intended purposes.


  • Applicable principles were followed to translate the names of local organizations. In case of abbreviations, the original abbreviations were used together with the full name in parentheses.
  • Additional research was made to identify various plant species and in addition to their English counterparts, the names of plant species were also provided in Latin to avoid any ambiguity.
  • A glossary was created containing various terms on organic agriculture and forestation. Consistency in terminology was ensured by comparing such terms to parallel texts published on similar topics.
  • The titles and some elements of the project draft in which a formal style was used were translated accordingly while stylistic variations in other sections were also taken into consideration and necessary adjustments were made.


  • Efficient and correct use of terminology on forestation and organic agriculture.
  • Knowledge about the various elements of project drafts, proposals, and reporting procedures.
  • Comprehensive research and knowledge about various plant species.


  • Contributing to the implementation of the project to promote biodiversity in local areas.
  • Supporting the client in accounting for and reporting on the project.