Customer Name: Laboratoires Expanscience®
Customer Sector: Cosmetics
As part of a current project, we were commissioned to translate and localize the contents of some PowerPoint slides intended for moderators and participants of an online workshop called “imPULSE for impACT”, which consists of a corporate roadmap to become a regenerative company with a positive impact, from English into Turkish.
- Since this was a comprehensive roadmap, localization in addition to translation task was requested by the client, which required implementation of content-based localization strategies specific to this content.
- The slides in the source text included some mission statements and mottos, including the title, “imPULSE for impACT”, which required an adaptation for the target audience.
- Source texts contained workshop agenda, the roadmap, and instructions for moderators as well as participants in addition to various activities. Due to the pragmatic nature of the source texts, suitable localization strategies should be adopted to create a reliable material for the workshop.
- As this is an online workshop, the source texts also included certain instructions on how to use the online platform to connect and participate in the workshop. In this context, we should become familiar with the web-based systems used.
- Source texts, consisting of PowerPoint presentations and Excel worksheets, were reviewed to create a glossary with the terms used and determine the localization strategies.
- Equivalent phrases were found for mission statements used throughout the slides. For instance, the title “imPULSE for impACT” was particularly important as it was the core message of the entire workshop. Various localization options were considered highlighting the words such as impulse, pulse, impact, and act. Following a brainstorm, it was concluded that pulse and impulse refer to physiological and physical aspects (i.e., cause) while impact and act connote the resulting outcome (i.e., effect). In physics, impulse applied to an object results in a change in its momentum. This metaphor can be interpreted as follows: One must take action to achieve a goal (object symbolizes objective in this sense) and create an impact (i.e., needs to act on it). With this in mind, a similar phrasing was created in the target language to carry this message across borders.
- Web-based systems were reviewed and correct terminology was used.
- Knowledge about corporate vision, mission, and ambition.
- Review of global and local practices and objectives of the roadmap in general.
- Adopting the best localization strategies to ensure efficient transfer of the content and its overall message.
- Providing the moderator and the participants with clear and concise content.
- Contribution to the implementation of the global roadmap in the local market.
- Supporting the company in realizing its ambition to become a company with positive impact.