What to Consider When Choosing a Localization Agency

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What to Consider When Choosing a Localization Agency

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Localization Partner

If you are at the beginning of the long process of introducing your services to the world, you already know that a successful localization strategy leads into the global market as well as different local markets. That’s why choosing the best localization agency plays an important role in your company’s success. In an industry with over 20,000 language service providers (LSPs), it is not an easy task. 

If you cannot afford to lose time and energy working out the best option among a sea of different LSPs, you might as well consider these factors when choosing a localization agency. It takes more than knowing languages to represent a brand in different markets. 

Certification Is Still Recognized 

With the vast network of technology-supported enterprises and online translation tools, the task of translation and localization seems to have become relatively less demanding. However, not every online service provider is reliable, and although modern trends seem efficient, the leaders of the industry still prioritize accreditation. 

ISO 17100 and ISO 9001 certifications are considered a must for a translation agency to be categorized as authorized and professional. You may also look for specialization certifications for localization, terminology management, and quality assurance. 

Credibility Through Transparency 

A professional and prestigious agency will be fully transparent with regard to different components of its corporate identity as well as service processes. If you see a dozen different localization fields among a company’s services, you might want to make sure that they have the necessary skill sets and specialized localization agents for each of those types. Generally, the best agencies are honest when it comes to what they can and cannot offer. The quality assurance procedures and step-by-step explanation of localization processes will give you insight into the level of transparency. 

Consult Other Clients

Many localization agencies take pride in their references, and most likely they showcase their clients, testimonials, and success stories on their homepage. Client testimonials may give you information about a company’s localization strategies that you won’t find anywhere else. Most importantly, it will provide you insight from the client’s perspective. Positive testimonials from companies similar to yours, as well as successful cases with the language pairs you are looking for will be good signs. They will be indicative of the agency’s proficiency in the particular field that you need service. 

Make Sure It Offers Custom Solutions

Are you a British company preparing to enter the local market of Zambia, or a global video games enterprise wishing to localize your content for gamers in Saudi Arabia? Depending on the language pairs involved in your project and the different cultures you will appeal to, a localization agency should be able to craft a strategy that will suit your needs. This will involve the adequate selection of linguists and localization agents who are experts not only in the languages involved but also in the culture of the target audience. 

In localization, knowing a language is not the only solution. Before deciding to close the deal with a particular agency, make sure all your needs will be taken care of from the project management process to post-delivery communication. A caring and prestigious agency will be there for you even after the project is completed in order to receive feedback or carry out necessary revisions.