Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

Your Solution Partner in Turkish


Sustainability is a concept that aims to maintain environmental, social and economic balance. It takes into account the needs of future generations while meeting the needs of current generations. This approach aims to minimize damage to ecosystems and the environment while promoting responsible and efficient use of natural resources. Socially, sustainability involves improving the well-being of societies, reducing inequalities and respecting human rights. From an economic perspective, sustainability aims to support long-term economic growth, employment and business opportunities. Sustainability refers to an approach that brings all these elements together and aims to ensure that future generations can exist in a livable world.


Sustainability translation is the meticulous translation of a wide range of text types such as sustainability reports, documents containing social responsibility policies and principles, product labels and descriptions, social projects and campaigns, sustainability training materials, documents reflecting business ethics and corporate values, sustainable product guidelines, etc. into the requested languages by a translation team with a strong command of terminology.

Why Have Sustainability Reports Gained Importance in Recent Years?
The Paris Agreement, which Türkiye signed in 2016, provides a framework for determining the implementation procedures to combat climate change and expects a number of commitments from party countries in many areas such as reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, compliance with legislation, development of environmentally friendly technologies, transparency in reporting and assessment of the current situation. In parallel, the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 express the universal goals of environment and development, leaving a habitable world for future generations, and ensuring that people live in peace and prosperity.

The Importance of Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Translations
In line with the commitments made by countries in the field of combating climate change, global companies, non-governmental organizations and other public and private institutions also bear many responsibilities. Failure to take rapid and comprehensive measures in the context of combating climate change indisputably poses serious threats to our world. Within the scope of this responsibility, organizations report their sustainability performance to all stakeholders with transparent reporting principles that have gained momentum especially since 2020. Corporate social responsibility and sustainable corporate governance, particularly in the area of sustainability, which includes three main dimensions: environment, economy and social, are now among the priority issues for companies operating on a global scale. Collaborating with an experienced translation agency, especially in the field of sustainability, in sharing the activities carried out in this field with all stakeholders offers significant advantages in terms of ensuring that the messages given are clearly and accurately understood by the target audience in line with the values, mission, vision and culture of the organization.

Why Should Sustainability Translations Proceed Differently from the Standard Translation Process?
Sustainability content is not standardized; therefore, a team of translators who lack a good understanding of the field and fail to research the ever-evolving terminology will cost you in the long run.
While the translators should be familiar with both legal and technical terminology for these texts, they should also be specialized and competent in publicity and media, so that they can produce translations
that target the language spoken by local markets.

Meeting Point of Specialties: Sustainability Texts
We mentioned above that a translator working in the field of sustainability needs to be specialized and experienced in both legal, technical and promotional/press-publication fields. Now, let’s explain this part in detail:
Sustainability texts address binding and sanctioned issues such as laws, regulations and bylaws while addressing the target audience. Translators who are not familiar with the terms required in this field in their daily lives are unable to cope with these texts.
Since sustainability is defined as a concept that aims to minimize the damage caused by humanity to the environment and to leave a more livable world to future generations in this direction, this field needs to be presented and promoted to a wide audience. This is where expert media translators who understand the importance of style and language use come into play.

Essentials of Sustainability
Translating sustainability content requires special attention because these topics are often technical, sensitive and detailed. It is therefore important that they are translated accurately and handled with care so that the intended message is not lost.
• Domain Expertise: It is important to work with translators who are familiar with sustainability issues. This ensures that the content is correctly understood and accurately conveyed.
• Understanding and Analyzing Content: It is very important to analyze the content in detail and understand the terminology, key messages and target audience. This helps to ensure accurate translations.
• Cultural Relevance: The translation must be appropriate to the cultural and linguistic structure of the target market. Some terms or concepts may mean different things in different cultures, so it is important to ensure this harmony.
• Technical Skills: The technical infrastructure of the organization should be strong enough to support the translation of sustainability content. Access to the software and resources needed to translate specialized terms and complex texts should be provided.
• Validation and Quality Control: To ensure the accuracy and quality of the translation, the content needs to be reviewed and proofread by experts. This ensures that the intended message is clearly communicated.
• Target Market Research: It is important to conduct research to understand the language, culture and specific sustainability-related requirements of the target market. This ensures that the translation reaches the target audience effectively.
• Continuous Improvement: The translation process needs to be constantly reviewed and improved. By evaluating feedback, the process can be made more efficient and quality can be improved.

Essentials of Sustainability
Sustainability is a very broad concept. It is a concept that also deals with the technical aspects of issues that we mistakenly believe do not directly affect our lives.
Sectors such as textile, industry and construction have started to provide technical trainings to their employees and find innovative solutions to transition to sustainable working methods in order to reduce environmental damage. For example, if you are a textile company working to shape the future of our planet, you should have adopted a sustainable textile approach. Or, if you are a construction
company aiming to minimize environmental damage, you should have heard of the concept of green building, the construction phase of sustainability. You can work with us in the technical field with a team of translators who are familiar with the recycling process of building materials commonly used in the sector and the current use of new products and materials that emerge as a result of the process, and who have a good command of technical standards.
It is very important to keep up to date. In 2015, the “Sustainable Development Aims,” adopted by 193 member states of the United Nations to be achieved by 2030, came to be known as the “Sustainable Development Goals”. At first glance, you may observe that there is not a big difference in meaning, but paying attention to such seemingly small nuances proves that you have mastered this field and puts you one step ahead of your competitors.
Just as in the example above, concepts and terms are constantly changing and being updated. Sometimes Turkish terms are added for which there are not yet appropriate equivalents. Various strategies are employed to incorporate such terms into our language. They are adapted to the target culture/language through a process known as “creative adaptation,” which we call “Transcreation”. In this process, alternatives are presented to the customer, a terminology and style guide is created for corporate language-based word preferences, and a consensus is reached through mutual exchange of ideas.

The Importance of Terminology in Sustainability Translation
It is important to consult the GRI website to find the correct terms when encountering sentences describing reporting standards. A translation agency interested in sustainability terminology and keeping track of updated usages will also consider your corporate reputation.
Understanding your customer and mapping out a strategy aligned with their wishes and needs plays a key role. Businesses can create a sustainability brand and opt to name their reports differently in English and Turkish. They may have several green project initiatives with established translations that frequently feature in their reports. It is crucial to accurately identify the target audience by thoroughly examining the corporate websites of companies and checking the items below:
Names of products, brands and services;
Titles of employees, e.g. CEO, directors, managers;
Company departments, divisions, sections, parts, units;
Sector, business activities, locations, subsidiaries (if any), affiliations;
Awards and standardization certificates.

Using Accurate and Up-to-Date Terminology in Sustainability Translations
The use of accurate and up-to-date terminology in sustainability translations is crucial for enhancing the impact of language and communication. Employing accurate and up-to-date terminology, particularly concerning climate and environmental issues, ensures clarity and efficiency in communication. For example, terms related to air conditioning, environment, and sustainability have gained popularity in the Oxford University Press Word of the Year selections and preferences, indicating the evolving nature of language and the emergence of key concepts.
Word choice can also be used to raise awareness about sustainability and environmental issues. For instance, the shift in terminology used in climate news by an influential media outlet like The Guardian exemplifies the power and influence of language. Reporters’ usage of terms such as “climate crisis,” “climate emergency” and “climate disruption” instead of “climate change” aims to emphasize the real risks and urgency.
Considering the recommendations of scientists, the term “global heating” is preferable to “global warming,” as it provides a more accurate and clear expression. Because the subject of global warming is ambiguous, the term “global heating” more clearly underlines the human impact.
Accurate, up-to-date and effective use of climate and environmental terms ensures clarity and comprehensibility in communication. Therefore, in sustainability translations, it is crucial to select the appropriate terms to maximize the power and impact of the language. Here, we could utilize the glossary created by the UN Development Programme (UNDP), which provides a Climate Glossary to understand the climate crisis and make solutions more accessible. This glossary aims to bridge the gap between complex scientific terms and colloquial language, while also serving as a guide to understanding and disseminating concepts related to climate change and sustainability.

Carbon footprint – A term that measures the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from an individual or organization.
Renewable energy – A type of energy produced from natural resources and is inexhaustible.
Greenhouse effect – The heat retention phenomenon that occurs when greenhouse gases in the atmosphere capture the sun’s rays and reflect them back to the Earth.
Climate adaptation refers to measures taken to adapt to the impacts of climate change.
Carbon offset – When an organization or individual financially invests in another carbon reduction project to reduce its carbon footprint.
Climate resilience refers to the capacity of societies and ecosystems to be resilient to climate change.
Mitigation refers to measures taken to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
Biodiversity refers to the variety of different species, habitats and ecosystems.
Carbon pricing is the process of assigning a cost to carbon emissions.
Deforestation is the destruction of forested areas by human intervention.
Ocean acidification is the acidification of the seas due to the absorption of carbon dioxide.
Sustainable development is a development model that considers the needs of the present while meeting the needs of future generations.
Climate justice refers to efforts to ensure equity and justice in addressing the impacts of climate change.
Carbon capture and storage is a technology for capturing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Sustainable agriculture is a farming method that conserves soil, water and natural resources and increases productivity.
Greenwashing: When a company or organization hides or mitigates its activities to appear environmentally friendly, but in reality, they have negative impacts on the environment.
Greenhushing: A company or organization’s attempt to appear environmentally friendly by remaining silent and ignoring environmental issues or policies.
Anthropause: The rest period of the natural world as a result of the sudden reduction in human activity during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Climate Displacement: A process caused by the direct or indirect impact of climate change, compelling people to migrate from their homes, lands or habitats.
Eco-Anxiety: Anxiety, fear and stress in individuals resulting from climate change and environmental issues.
Energy Democracy: Control and participatory management of energy production and distribution by communities.
Nemophilist: A person with a profound love and passion for forests and natural areas.
Re-wilding: An effort to encourage the restoration of natural processes to areas or ecosystems damaged by human intervention.
Sustainability Washing: When a company or organization exaggerates or misrepresents its
sustainability claims.
Zombie Battery: Old and discarded batteries or accumulators unexpectedly reactivated, posing a hazard.

Common Mistakes in Translations Containing Sustainability Content
In sustainability translations, it is important for the translation company to maintain an up-to-date terminology database in this field, stay current with legislation and reach an agreement with the company in their corporate language by addressing the following points. Unless standard terms specific to the area of expertise are requested, a customized process enables the company to express itself in its own voice in the digital world. This ensures a sustainable translation process:
· Customer needs should be defined according to the content, scope and file type of the translations.
· A team of experienced linguists should be selected in line with the target market.
· A project management and coordination team should be appointed to follow the project from the beginning.
For instance, in fields such as sustainability, environment and energy, where involvement can significantly enhance a company’s prestige, businesses may engage in promoting and advertising activities that either do not exist or exaggerate their actual efforts. These actions are aimed at portraying the company as more sustainable or environmentally friendly than it truly is, thereby misleading the public. Although the term was not prevalent before the popularity of sustainability, it has emerged in recent studies. In the 1980s, some hotels announced an emphasis on reusing or recycling towels to appear environmentally friendly, but this turned out to be just a cost-cutting measure.
The term “greenwashing” is used in a similar way to the concept of “whitewashing”. The term “whitewashing” actually describes a physical act. This action is intended to make a surface look cleaner or better by covering it with white paint or lime. Over time, however, the term has come to figuratively refer to efforts to conceal a negative situation, cleanse, trivialize or soften a bad event or past. Often, it is employed to describe manipulative efforts in historical or social matters, aimed at avoiding harm or protecting the reputation of a specific group or institution. However, greenwashing describes misleading or inadequate efforts to create an environmentally friendly or sustainable image. This can be used to mislead consumers and diminish negative perceptions. Similarly, the term “greenwash” has entered the international lexicon, referring to companies that pretend to be environmentally conscious but do so only for show.
At the beginning of 2024, the European Parliament introduced new legislation aimed at curbing this process, banning corporations from using exaggerated rhetoric and unsubstantiated claims about their activities labeled as environmentally friendly and sustainable. Transparency is also required in product labeling, which is one of the most misleading issues for consumers. If a product is to be labeled “eco” or “green”, this claim must be certified by a reliable program such as the EU Ecolabel. With the approval of this law and its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union, work has begun to adapt the new law to national legislation in member states.
From a Turkish perspective, there was no common Turkish equivalent for the term “greenwashing,” although it has been in the Oxford dictionary since 1999. However, after the law, this concept is either referred to as “green whitewashing,” “green eyewashing” or it is preferred to retain the English expression. At this stage, a translation agency should engage in discussions with the sustainability or environment department to determine which term the company prefers to use, and
ensure consistency in all translations and corporate language by including it in the style guide.
Additionally, especially in translations from Turkish to English, the word “temel” should be translated as “core” instead of “base,” “basic” or “foundation.” In the relevant patents, it is essential for terminological accuracy that the claims section is referred to as “claims” rather than “demands.”

Sanctions on Sustainability Worldwide
The European Commission adopted the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) on July 31, 2023. These standards aim to enhance the visibility of companies’ efforts in the European Green Deal by covering environmental, social and governance issues. The standards, adopted for use by companies covered by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, are designed to help investors in comprehending the sustainability impact of companies. Additionally, standards were developed in consultation with the International Sustainability Standards Board and the Global Reporting Initiative. Various types of companies have different transition periods for implementing these reporting requirements.
The European Investment Bank also plans to support climate action by increasing its financing for environmental sustainability and investing in projects with environmental benefits. Corporate sustainability reporting is now becoming mandatory for some large companies in the European Union, as concerns such as climate change and social justice are among those that consumers and investors prioritize. All partners involved in the value chain will also undergo assessment and measures will be implemented to address any negative impacts. Companies failing to comply with the regulation will be subject to fines and EU countries will establish supervisory bodies with the authority to impose sanctions.

Sanctions on the Sustainability Process in Türkiye
On December 29, 2023, the “Turkish Sustainability Reporting Standards (TSRS)” and “Scope of Application of TSRS” were published in the Official Gazette, dated December 29, 2023 and numbered 32414. Businesses within the determined scope and exceeding the thresholds will be obligated to prepare sustainability reports as of January 1, 2024. On the official website of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Türkiye, it is stated that the Turkish Sustainability Reporting Standards and the Board Decisions on the Scope of Implementation are fully compliant with the global S1 and S2 sustainability reporting standards of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB).
According to the decision on the implementation of the Turkish Sustainability Reporting Standards, “Sustainability Reporting” has become mandatory as of January 1, 2024, for enterprises with more than 250 employees, total assets exceeding TL 500 million, and/or annual net sales revenue exceeding TL 1 billion (exceeding the threshold values of at least two of these in two consecutive reporting periods).
As per Banking Law No. 5411 dated 19/10/2005, banks under the regulation and supervision of the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (excluding banks under the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund) are required to submit mandatory reports, regardless of meeting any threshold.
Although the legal regulation was recently introduced, many enterprises outside the scope of this regulation voluntarily adhere to the Turkish Sustainability Reporting Standards and engage in appropriate sustainability reporting. To secure a position in the global arena in this field, they provide their content in multilingual formats.
Türkiye’s Strategic Plan for 2024-2028 emphasizes combating climate change and promoting green transformation. This plan includes objectives such as monitoring greenhouse gas emissions, preparing local climate action plans and developing a national adaptation strategy.

Why Should I Make My Turkish Sustainability Content Multilingual?
Sustainability reports, which enable companies to transparently demonstrate their sustainability efforts and monitor their performance in this area, represent an important step toward a more sustainable and responsible future for the business world. Accurate and effective translation of these reports allows companies to share this valuable information internationally and make a global impact.
Giant companies in major sectors owe their international recognition to their promotion in different markets. To gain recognition and establish a presence in foreign markets,
which not only have different languages but also different cultures, it is essential to translate all kinds of written materials into the language of that country. The translation of sustainability content serves not only promotional purposes but also involves translating all necessary documents for the operation of the company in a foreign country and considering cultural nuances of that country. For the translation to be embraced by the target culture, it is advantageous to have the content in the local language. Moreover, representing companies active in various parts of the world in multiple languages is one of the most important conditions of being an international company.
To establish a brand identity, it is crucial to select a multilingual translation agency and a management team specialized in sustainability translations.

Why Should I Translate My Sustainability Content into Turkish as a Global Company?
Türkiye is becoming an increasingly influential country both politically and economically, so translating your content into Turkish will enhance your visibility and distinguish you in the rapidly growing Turkish market. In this large and demanding market, which is highly suitable for investment and trade, translating your content into Turkish would be a very profitable and prudent decision to promote your company. According to TurkStat data, with a population of 85,279,553 people, Türkiye ranks 18th among 194 countries in terms of population size and accounts for 1.1% of the world’s total population.
Regarding sustainability, the UN supports Türkiye in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Within the scope of sustainability efforts, the “National Sustainable Development Board” was established. The topic of sustainability, which has been revitalized and developed through discussions with government, business, media and civil society representatives, brings Türkiye one step closer to the sustainable development plans it aims to achieve in the coming years. Viewing Türkiye as an emerging market in sustainability, global companies prefer to translate their content into Turkish and consolidate their position in this promising market.

What Should Be Considered When Translating Texts on Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility?
1- Parallel Text Analysis: Once basic information such as the target audience and the subject of the text has been determined, a preliminary idea about the structure of the target text can be obtained through parallel text analysis. This process can help identify elements such as the desired communication tone, language use and content organization.
2- Style Guide and Corporate Culture: Using a language in translation that aligns with the corporate culture and values contributes to the consistency of the conveyed message. It is important to determine if the organization has a style guide, and if so, to use language in accordance with this guide. Some companies may adopt a friendlier tone, while others may
prefer a more formal one. Translating with this awareness is an important step in ensuring customer satisfaction.
3- Research: The fields of sustainability and corporate social responsibility are rapidly evolving. Translations need to be kept up to date to reflect these changes and new trends. To achieve this, translators need to be interested in these fields and follow the developments.
4- Translation Technologies: Computer-assisted translation tools, utilized to enhance speed and consistency in translation, should be thoroughly and accurately trained in the areas of sustainability and corporate social responsibility, with the results carefully analyzed.
5- Language Use Appropriate for the Target Audience: The publication platform and intended audience of a sustainability report are crucial in setting the tone of communication. If the report is intended for an award nomination, a more formal language is required. Conversely, if it is intended for a social media post, a more casual and friendly tone is used.
6- Legislation Knowledge: International standards are an important factor in sustainability reports. For example, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards are among the most widely used standards on sustainability. In the meanhile, regulations and standards in these areas may be frequently updated. Translations that comply with these standards enhance the international comprehensibility of the reports.
7- Term Localization: Since sustainability is a newer field compared to other sectors, it is important to thoroughly investigate whether Turkish equivalents of the concepts mentioned in the text exist. If there is no Turkish equivalent, the term localization process should be applied.
8- Scientific Accuracy: Ensure that scientific terms and data, especially in the fields of environment and health, are sourced from accurate and reliable sources.
9- Cultural Sensitivity: Certain concepts used in the fields of sustainability and corporate social responsibility may have varied meanings due to cultural differences. Therefore, translations should consider the cultural context and values of the target language.
10- Correct Use of Measurement and Units: The conformity of the units and measurements used in translations to the local measurement system is important in terms of ensuring the comprehensibility of the text and preventing misinformation. For example, the term “pound (lb)” in a text on American units of measurement should be converted and translated into Turkish as kilograms, or information such as “1 lb = 0.45 kg” should be provided.

What Should an Organization that Wants to Make a Name for Itself in the Field of Sustainability Consider When Choosing a Translation Agency?
For global companies, national or international institutions and organizations assuming responsibilities in sustainability, it is vital to collaborate closely with an experienced translation agency. This agency should prioritize the target language and select the appropriate terminology when communicating activities related to combating climate change to all stakeholders. This includes sustainability and performance reports presented internally and externally, following transparent reporting procedures. In such texts, conveying corporate culture and values should align with the language and style used by the company in public relations. Knowledge of national and international legislation, correct terminology and domain expertise are essential elements.

What are the Supports Available for Sustainability and Green Growth/Transformation in Türkiye and Why is it Important to Work with a Translation Agency that Keeps Up with Current Legislation?
Presidential Decree No. 32469 and Decree No. 8191, issued on February 23, 2024, have accelerated Türkiye’s advancements in green transformation and sustainability. With this decree, the Ministry of Trade will support the costs of consultancy services necessary for exporters to ensure their
transformation within the scope of the European Green Deal at a rate of 50 percent for 5 years and up to 10 million liras in total. This support enables businesses to accelerate their green transformation and take the necessary steps for a sustainable future. With the Decree Amending the Decree on Export Supports published by the Presidential Decree, support for TURQUALITY brand and promotional activities was also increased. With the Green Deal Compliance Project Support, the Ministry of Trade aims to support the sustainability-oriented transformation of exporting companies and help them fulfill their environmental and social responsibilities, while another objective is to facilitate companies’ access to national and international funds. In order for Turkish companies to benefit from these important supports in the field of sustainability and to achieve international standards, we attach importance to constantly following the legislation, working with the most accurate terminology in reporting and process, and staying informed about government supports in this field. Thus, as a translation company specialized in sustainability, we strive to help Turkish companies achieve their sustainability goals.

What are the 5 Things to Consider When Translating Sustainability Texts?
The issues that need to be considered during the translation process of these texts can be grouped under five headings: the use of current terminology, information about corporate culture and values, identification of the target audience, localization needs, and the specific demands of the client. Often, companies or organizations engaged in sustainability activities employ a specific language and tone. Ensuring consistency, the translation should adhere to a provided terminology list, if available. It is essential to conduct thorough research on this subject before commencing the translation. In this domain, analyzing the company’s corporate texts, official website, press releases on sustainability and social responsibility activities, etc., is essential to create a comprehensive profile of the company. Employing a language and style that accentuates corporate values will position the company ahead of its competitors.

Identifying the Target Audience in Sustainability Texts
The stakeholders of global companies often represent a more diverse demographic compared to those of local companies. In such cases, attention should be paid to emphasizing a more inclusive, consistent message that takes into account all stakeholders. Within the scope of sustainability activities, companies generally expect certain commitments and obligations from their own cooperation partners and stakeholders. At this juncture, stakeholders’ responsibilities need to be clearly articulated in a language that is easily understood, and a language appropriate to the target culture should be chosen.
Identifying localization requirements in alignment with the target language and culture is also critical. In particular, concise expressions such as slogans and messages used by organizations in their calls to action should be translated in a manner suitable for the target audience.
Additionally, each translation project comes with specific requirements from the client. In order to ensure customer satisfaction, attention should be paid to the specific demands of the customer throughout the translation process, and the translation service provided should fully meet these demands.

What are the Differences Between Sustainability Reports from a Global Company, Requested and Localized in Turkish and Sustainability Reports from Türkiye, Requested and Localized in English?
When translating sustainability reports and similar texts from global companies into Turkish, text analysis should be conducted to determine the intended use, target audience and translation strategies of the target text, and the correct equivalents of the standard terms used should be determined by comparing them with parallel texts written in the target language. For example, a global firm may request the translation of a text containing the group’s global code of practice on
sustainability in order for its group companies to prepare policies and procedures in line with local legislation. In this context, it is necessary to conduct preliminary research on local legislation and determine a translation strategy that is compatible with the provisions of the applicable local legislation. Considering that local companies will largely refer to the terms used in the translation of the source text when preparing Turkish texts, it is important to pay particular attention to the choice of vocabulary in this regard, and to accurately identify and consistently use the equivalents of frameworks and scopes such as the Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goals used in local legislation and practices.
In texts requested in English, notifications made to international stakeholders within the scope of transparent reporting are generally important. In this context, attention should be paid to the common reporting language published by organizations such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Given that the information presented within the scope of reporting often includes a substantial amount of figures and statistical data, it is crucial to produce a standardized translation text that aligns with the client’s specifications. This entails paying attention to various aspects such as adhering to target language rules, ensuring correct spelling of figures, and converting local units of measurement to standard units when necessary.

What Can a Translation Business Do for Sustainability?
1. Translation businesses can opt to minimize paper usage unless specifically requested by the institution for submission or certification purposes. If additional hard copies are unnecessary, they can operate solely in a digital format or provide a single hard copy.
2. Translation businesses can provide support for delivering sworn translations with digital copies.
3. They can also calculate their carbon footprint for the year and offset it by planting the equivalent number of saplings to contribute to forest restoration.
4. A translation business can minimize unnecessary energy and water usage in the office.
5. It supports remote or hybrid operations.
6. Products such as plastic, metal and paper can be recycled after use.
7. The business can organize awareness-raising training on sustainability for its employees.
8. It can collaborate regularly with organizations active in the field of sustainability.
9. In order to raise sustainability awareness in society, it can publish content that positively mobilizes people on this issue through media channels.
10. For lunch, it can order from sustainability-conscious businesses.
11. It can pay attention to the high energy efficiency of electronic devices and lighting in the office.
12. It can take care to ensure that the office is well insulated.
13. It can opt for reusable products instead of disposable ones wherever possible.
14. It can choose standard shipping times instead of expedited options for orders.
15. Ergonomic office furniture can be preferred for the health of employees.
16. A translation business can buy environmentally friendly cleaning products.
17. Valuing Employees: Decent Work and Economic Growth, the 8th of the 17 Sustainability Goals of the United Nations, requires decent employment that meets at least minimum standards for workers in terms of security and remuneration. Working conditions can be shaped according to international standards.
18. The business c
zero experience and thus becoming unemployed.
19. Scholarships could be offered to translation students or translation services could be provided free of charge to a certain number of students each year as part of a social responsibility project.
20. Social media platforms can be used to share sustainability messages and raise awareness. You can make both your followers and your customers aware of this issue through weekly or monthly posts.
21. By effectively utilizing CAT systems and creating extensive lists of terms across various fields, the workload of employees can be reduced, thus increasing their productivity.
22. Support can be extended to voluntary organizations operating in the fields of environment or sustainability.

What are the Main Types of Content and Documents We Provide Translation Services in the Field of Sustainability?
There are many different types of documents in the field of sustainability. These may include:
• Sustainability Reports: Companies, institutions or organizations publish sustainability reports annually or periodically to assess their sustainability performance. These reports are used to measure environmental, social and economic performance and are presented to stakeholders.
• Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA): Prior to large-scale projects or activities, EIA reports are prepared to assess the environmental impacts of the project. These reports are used to determine the environmental impacts of the project and identify measures to be taken to minimize negative impacts.
• Sustainability Policies and Strategies: Companies, organizations or governments establish sustainability policies and strategies. These documents define the organization’s sustainability goals, commitments and action plans.
• Green Building Certifications: Green building certificates are used to assess and certify the environmental performance of buildings. Certification systems such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) certify that buildings meet environmental criteria such as energy efficiency, water conservation, material selection and indoor air quality.
• Sustainability Standards and Guidelines: Standards and guidelines such as ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System), ISO 26000 (Social Responsibility), GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), etc., define the methods used to measure and report sustainability performance.
• Sustainability Training Materials: Lecture notes, books, presentations and training materials used in sustainability education are used to raise awareness and transfer knowledge on sustainability issues.

These documents are important tools for raising awareness on sustainability issues, measuring and improving performance

Why Companies Prefer Localization Agency Translation Office for Sustainability Translations?
Participating in corporate sustainability training and sustainability reporting department sessions of companies, with their permission, and preparing “corporate sustainable language” for the company we provide translation services to, aligning with our sustainable translation slogan,
Moving forward with a dedicated project management team,
Closely monitoring all legislation and updates related to sustainability,
Holding monthly meetings, conducting analysis and planning with our translation team in this area,
Our ISO 12616-1 Translation-Oriented Terminography certification ensures the use of accurate and approved terminology,
Ensuring international recognition of translations’ accuracy by utilizing a database of approved United Nations terms,
Staying updated with the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) website for current terms related to reporting standards,
Having a dedicated team of translators, editors, proofreaders, quality control and project management for sustainability translations,
Holding certifications such as ISO 9001, ISO 21999, EN 15038, ISO 17100, which guarantee translation quality for years,
Being recognized by the media as the “Environmentalist Translation Office” for our work in this field, with environmental certifications such as ISO 22301 and OHSAS 18001,
Providing multilingual sworn and notarized translation services,
Our ability to offer different service packages suitable for various service requirements in the field of sustainability,
And most importantly, since we offer customized translation solutions tailored to the needs of companies, many institutions work with Localization Agency for their sustainability translations.

Let us support you in your sustainability projects with our quality-oriented expert staff and budget-friendly packages in Localization Agency!
If Speed is your goal, Your text is designed according to its intended use, language pair and area of specialization, and delivered in raw output after the most appropriate matching between machine/neural translation programs using our extensive database. You can choose this package for your content that you need to solve quickly and cost-effective solutions and is sufficient for understanding.
If Translation is your goal, TE: The translation process for projects under this package is carried out by translators specialized in the legal/technical field.
Afterwards, the translations undergo comprehensive editing by editors specialized in the relevant field. You can choose our editor-controlled translation package for all your specialized documents such as technical documents, contracts, user manuals, product specifications, technical specifications and tender documents.
If your goal is Corporate Strategy and global prominence, TEP: It is recommended that all below-the-line (BTL) solutions directly reflecting the prestige, identity and image of the organization (such as brochures, catalogs, etc.), as well as critical documents like multilingual website translations, press releases and publication documents, undergo proofreading. In order to ensure that the message in
content containing puns, aphorisms, slogans, idioms, multiple meanings, etc. is not lost while being transferred to the target language and that its adaptation to culture-specific elements is not compromised, our proofreading staff, who are familiar with both languages, processes and cultures, make sure that there are no culture-related losses in translation and make corrections accordingly. The text is checked for meaning, context, terminology, spelling and grammar. Any expression disorders are corrected to ensure full fluency. This process ensures that your translation is tailored to the target audience, culturally compatible, and effectively written in the target language. You can choose this package, where we offer expert proofreading services for your translated content, including strategically important texts such as websites, corporate magazines, press publications and internet content.
In line with our commitment to delivering flawless translations, we provide a package tailored to best suit your text’s needs, and we offer our services based on detailed information provided optionally. Our sole aim is to deliver work of the highest quality.

With our “New Generation Translation” project, we envision a world where agencies, translation services and brands collaborate to ensure that messages reach their target audience directly, are localized and penetrate the market without any language barriers.

We optimize specialized language technologies and our certified translation memories accumulated since 2002, with solutions that address challenges such as corporate language, consistency, style continuity and the need to remain competitive in local markets. By providing faster, smarter and more targeted translations, we ensure that your message reaches the right audiences faster and with a lower budget.
Thank you for entrusting us as your translation and localization provider as you expand your brand’s visibility in global markets through your meticulous and detailed efforts.

We Work for Sustainable Translation
As Localization Agency, we are taking steps towards a more sustainable world, not only by improving our translations but also by transforming our workplace for a greener future.
We calculate ecological costs: Greenhouse gas emissions caused by digital technologies are estimated to be 1.7 billion tons per year. Storing unwanted e-mails releases 29,397 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every day. The presence of this data raises awareness at Localization Agency, which prioritizes environmental responsibility. We reduce our carbon footprint by minimizing the use of paper and toner in our company and set ourselves goals at the beginning of each year that will contribute to our transition to a sustainable business model in the new year.

We offer sustainability reports at a discount within the scope of social responsibility!
Supporting our environmentally conscious customers is priceless for us. We are determined and dedicated to take this movement forward together.
We take every opportunity to stay up to date in the field of sustainability and follow the trends: We completed the “Sustainability Communication” certificate program of Istanbul University Continuing Education and Research Center. As Localization Agency, we have completed our Corporate Sustainability – Italy Università Bocconi and Sustainability Communication (Istanbul University) trainings in the field of sustainability expertise. ♻
We are happy to see that these studies, which we believe will be useful in finding the most accurate equivalents in the target language for the multilingual content of the companies we provide
translation and localization services in this field of expertise, are also appreciated by our customers. It is also important to be sustainable in translation!

Let’s Explain Localization Agency in the Context of Sustainability Translations in 5 Points:
1) We recognized our field! With the 5W1H principle, we have outlined our framework, established our goals and devised our plan accordingly. We attended all relevant events, engaged in discussions with experts in the field of translation and diligently took notes. We have made all our operational systems sustainable, aiming to transform the environment we inhabit – THAT’S OUR GOAL!

2) We requested to participate in companies’ internal sustainability trainings or supplier trainings, we extracted lists of terms from presentations and speeches, we offered suggestions to organizations for those that have not yet been translated into Turkish – WE ARE WORKING HARD!

3) We established a working group and took all the trainings and sustainability communication courses that can be given in this field and combined them with the first two points. We have written a style guide for sustainability translation and localization projects. – WE ARE QUALITY-ORIENTED!

4) We translated dozens of sustainability reports according to this guide, talked to individual companies for each one, combined feedback from relevant departments, editor’s notes and project manager reports and wrote a curriculum. We summarized it and shared it multilingually on our website. Thus, those who wanted to work in this field applied to us. We also updated their knowledge through face-to-face or online training sessions. We have expanded our expert staff. – WE ARE NOT AFRAID TO INVEST!

5) New projects arrived as our satisfied clients supported us with their feedback or referrals after being content with the translation of their sustainability reports. With our readiness to deliver fast and high-quality service, equipped with approved terminology memories, expert staff in the field and style guides, the outcomes consistently met expectations, resulting in high satisfaction levels. Consequently, positive feedback and referrals led to a growing number of projects. As updates from the same clients came in, match rates improved, budgets decreased, and speed increased. – WE TRANSLATE SUSTAINABLY!

6S: Green Translations on a Global Scale! We use our “6S” approach when providing services in sustainability translation.
1. Strategic Alignment: We develop translation strategies in line with sustainability values.
2. Social Impact: With social sensitivity, we adapt translations to the cultural and social context.
3. Sustainable Language: We use consistent and sustainable language, carefully managing terminology.
4. Style and Design: We increase the communication strength of your translations by presenting them with aesthetic and effective design.
5. Sustainable Technology: We use translation technologies to increase efficiency and manage translations in an environmentally friendly manner.
6. Sector Experience: By following sustainability trends, we offer pioneering and up-to-date solutions in the sector.
Through our linguistic transformations, we transform the world.

United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals

Let’s take a look at the Sustainable Development Goals, which form the cornerstone of our sustainability, ensuring that you will reach everyone:

Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals represent a universal call to action, outlining targets to be achieved by United Nations member states by the end of 2030. These goals aim to eradicate poverty, protect our planet and ensure that all people live in peace and prosperity. They encompass 17 main objectives covering various issues, including combating global poverty and hunger, ensuring access to education and health services, promoting gender equality, fostering peace and justice, addressing climate change and promoting a circular economy, encouraging environmentally friendly practices and preserving biodiversity, as well as advancing R&D and fostering sustainable growth

Prefer Localization Agency for Your Sustainability Translations!
It is up to us to protect our world and for that we all need to pay close attention to sustainability. When translating sustainability, we aim to reflect your and your company’s sustainability values and
commitments, accurately and effectively communicating your message while emphasizing your potential to create positive impacts. Here our translation becomes part of a broader communication strategy. We aim to raise awareness and help you promote positive change by communicating your sustainability values and principles to a wider audience.
As a 22-year-old translation and localization company, we are aware of the importance of sustainability at Dijital Tercüme and we are honored to translate the texts of companies with sustainability content under the guidance of our style guide that we have prepared specifically for this field. If you are interested in collaborating with us on your specialized texts, we would be delighted to offer you a personalized quote.
When it comes to sustainability, actions speak louder than words. As Dijital Tercüme, we will work with all our strength to be the voice of the companies that take action for this valuable initiative and to support them in the process of realizing their actions.

We Continue to Work on Sustainability!
We were honored to receive the Golden Maturity Sustainability Certificate as part of the K-Star Supplier Sustainability Program hosted by Kibar Holding, a distinguished company.

Let’s take a look at 15 of the most comprehensive and constantly updated sustainability terms below:

10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns

Sürdürülebilir Üretim ve Tüketim Modellerine Yönelik 10 Yıllık Çerçeve Programı

combat terrorism

terörle mücadele

competent authority

yetkili makam

conflict resolution mechanism

uyuşmazlık çözme mekanizması

decent job creation

insana yakışır istihdam yaratma

domestic material consumption

yurt içi madde tüketimi

environmental impact

çevresel etki

equal pay for work of equal value

eşit işe eşit ücret

food loss

gıda kaybı

fossil-fuel subsidies

fosil yakıt sübvansiyonları

gender sensitive

cinsiyet eşitliğine duyarlı

inward and outward illicit financial flow

iç ve dış yasadışı finansal akı

post-harvest losses

hasat sonrası kayıplar

primary government expenditures

birincil kamu harcamaları

transparent institution

şeffaf kurum